Before I get to all the fun stuff this blog is going to offer, I have to lay down some truths to protect myself. I am not a doctor. I don't pretend to be. Anything I say, I say because I have found it to be true for myself and/or those I have around me. You know...just in case someone tried to hold me liable for saying "this juice cleanse cured this rare form of allergy I had" and they went on a 6 month juice cleanse, which shut their liver down, because they were trying to get rid of hay fever. It sounds so silly, but I have to say it to protect myself and my family. Before trying any new diets, supplements, foods, etc. ... please check with your physician first (it'd be ultra cool if your physician was a holistic one! You get extra points for that in crunchyville, you know). Always listen to your body and practice common sense. I'm not giving advice in my blog. I'm simply sharing what works for me, for my family, for our lives. So, there. I said it. Boring stuff over.
I hear the word "credentials" thrown around so much. I'll be honest, other than a 5 year degree in Visual Communication Design from Kent State University, I don't have any ... legally. That degree helped me become a good artist, but I have no med school related letters attached to my name. However, I feel like I have a heck of a lot of "life" credentials. There are some things they can't teach you in school. No really....there, well, how to cure yourself from a 14 year skin allergy without medicine; how to deal with the (cringe word) "death" (I'll explain the quotations later) of your first child; how to alter the entire course of your life to make it work for you, how to smile through the storms and manifest your divine destiny. They can't teach you that shit. I'm a swearer. I swear. You might as well know that now. There will be some thrown in when I mean business. And I do.
So, even though I'm not a doctor, psychologist, teacher, or whatever else earns the term "credentials", I do have some that are from the biggest school of all ... LIFE. And life is never a bitch. It merely smacks you square in the jaw and says "wake up, you're on the wrong path, do something about it." And that's what I'm doing now. I'm doing something about it. I've been an artist my whole life. I got thrown into graphic design in school because they said it was the only way I'd make money as an artist. I didn't even know what it was back then. That was in 1996. Now it's 18 years later, and I have had jobs at companies fold one after another. Layoff after layoff after layoff. You know what that says? You're on the wrong dang path, girl. Change.
... Enter NovaNalu. I had the name. I had the logo. I had the desire. I just didn't know what the heck it was supposed to be yet. And it will probably change as I go. But I woke up on my 38th birthday (which was just June 9th) and knew I had to get this blog going. I had to take my products to the public. And I had to talk about how to get back to our truest and happiest selves via a back to basics approach, while saving the planet, whom we owe everything to.
So, there you have it. Now we can get to the fun stuff. Righteous!
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